November 2013 Gemini horoscope prediction

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November 2013 Gemini horoscope prediction:

Don't let the gossip of others get in the way of things between you and your partner this month. It is far too east to hear the wrong message, and end up with an argument over nothing. If you are a single Gemini you should make the effort to visit some new places in order to meet new people once the Venus opposition in Sagittarius is over.

You have big ideas this month, but not everyone you work with is listening. You must speak less and show with your actions what you can do.

Your money matters seem to be attracting the attention of others. It is none of their business, but this is a consequence of you being a little too forthcoming with information that you should be keeping to yourself.

Do your best to get out an about a lot more this month. You have been stuck in the same place for too long, and you will do well to meet some new people. Do you have any friends who can put you up for a few days and show you the sights of a new town at the same time?

There will be many petty arguments in and around the home this month, and a lot of the hot air will be pointed directly at you. This is not the time to join in and add to the argument, something Gemini would do well to heed.

November 2013 Gemini Summary:
November 2013 begins with Venus in Sagittarius at opposition with Gemini, something that is not in itself a good pointer to easy relations in your love life. There is too much speculation from others about your intentions, and you do not as Gemini need any more gossip about this. Once Venus leaves opposition on November 5th you should set the record straight with your partner. Only you knows what is gossip and what is not. If you are single, you might be finding it difficult to get a date inside your normal circle of friends and you should look further afield.
For a time this month Gemini comes under the square of Mars in Leo opposite Neptune in Pisces. Your imagination is at a high point under this aspect, but at times you may not feel able to trust your own instincts. You may struggle to convince others about your work abilities for a time, not ideal if you are looking to advance your career.
The Mars Neptune aspects could well be drawing Gemini towards something that can only be described as The Dark Side. Resist any temptation towards negative deeds and actions that could cause you problems after November 22nd when The Sun moves in to Sagittarius and opposition with Gemini. Any of your misdemeanours will be highlighted and enlarged under the glare of The Sun.
The end of November 2013 must be approached with caution by Gemini. You must stay out of other peoples arguments and keep your own comments to a minimum. People will be out to blame others for their own mishaps and it would be easy to say the wrong thing and become someone's scapegoat.

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