November 2012 Gemini horoscope prediction

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November 2012 Gemini horoscope prediction:

This month will be a roller coaster of different emotions, you may feel there are many questions still to be answered. This could be the making or breaking of any relationship at this time, it would be wise to spend some time alone, as you can think more logically with a clear mind.

You are faced with one or two challenges in work, at times you feel that colleagues are working against you rather than with you. However, this could be down to your own fear and insecurities rather than basic facts. Think before you say or do anything rash, you may find that some people are actually on your side.

Watch what you are spending your money on this month, it may be wise to start saving up for a rainy day as you never know what is round the corner. You are faced with hard and uncertain times but there is light at the end of the tunnel and you will soon overcome all obstacles in your way.

Stop worrying about other people, this month do your own thing and take off to where ever it is you want to go. Whether it is by yourself or with a special friend. You will be refreshed and be able to think more rationally with a clearer head.

You're thoughts are somewhat muddled at this time, you are unsure of which direction to turn and who to trust and who not too. This is the time you need to take a step back and look at the situation from the outside, maybe you will then realise you are making something bigger and worse than it actually is.

November 2012 Gemini Summary:
Jupiter remains in Gemini during November 2012 bringing with it the same question and answer tendency on behalf of Gemini. You take nothing and no-one at face value but rather challenge and look for the motives behind situations and events, even when at times some things just happen at random. Mars in Sagittarius at opposition with Jupiter adds a layer of complexity in to relationships of all kinds with the opposite sex until November 17th 2012 when Mars moves in to Capricorn. Expect you and your partner not to see eye to eye during the high point of the opposition especially at the start of the month. Gemini gets a little respite from the tribulations of people and their moods until near the end of November. The Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on November 28th will give you something to look forward to as a time of peace and quiet, a little bit like the calm before the storm. One transit that will upset the otherwise balanced Gemini apple cart is the opposition of The Sun, now in Sagittarius, with a Moon and Jupiter conjunction on November 29th. Questions, answers, accusations, revelations... and more on the 29th.

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